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Calder, Alexander

Calder, Alexander


Alexander Calder
Artist, Illustrator, Sculptor(1898–1976)

Alexander "Sandy" Calder was born in 1898 in Lawnton, Pennsylvania.  He was born into a family of artists. His father Alexander Stirling Calder was a prominent sculptor. Calder changed the course of modern art by developing an innovative method of sculpting, bending, and twisting wire to create three-dimensional “drawings in space. Alexander Calder is best known for creating mobiles—sculptures composed of abstract shapes moving through space.  In the early 1920s he worked as an illustrator, covering such events as the circus. His sketches of circus acts rekindled his childhood fascination with animals, a subject that became central to his art. In 1926 he moved to Paris and developed his miniature circus. He is best known as the inventor of the mobile. His art  is recognized with many large-scale exhibitions. He died in 1976.